No More Eating Rocks!

“I’d read about it in textbooks during nursing school, but never thought I’d witness it!”

On a short-term medical mission trip to one of your FAME partners in Kenya, this nurse experienced something about which she had only read in textbooks.  A woman came to the clinic for the first time after seeking many solutions from village witch doctors and African traditional remedies.  She was weak and barely able to come into the clinic, but a Christian in her tribal group brought her to this Clinic!

The nurse mentioned above began to ask questions and notice her condition.  Anemic, internal bleeding, broken teeth, and severe pain in her abdomen didn’t help the nurse identify anything she recognized.  The Nurse Practitioner resident of the clinic came in and asked a few more questions.  Much to the surprise of the Short-Term Trip Nurse, the woman was experiencing, “Geophagy.”

Which as I heard the story, didn’t help me at all either!  Geophagy is the eating of rocks and soil!  Rocks are even sold in Kenyan markets called “odowa.”  This terrible practice can introduce parasites, puncture internal tissue, cause bleeding, liver damage, kidney damage, and as you can imagine – destroyed teeth!

Your FAME partner clinic Nurse Practitioner, according to the visiting nurse, “changed the woman’s life in 20 minutes.”  Because not only did she give her options for the minerals her body was craving by introducing her to a better diet and some simple vitamin supplements, she was introduced to the Jesus who gives hope to the hopeless!

When you partner with FAME, you set up many situations where “20 minutes can change someone’s life!”  Here are some direct ways you can help:

  • Praying for God to provide Christians in villages to evangelize their neighbors like this woman.
  • Collect Vitamins FAME sends to your global partners – Click HERE for a link of what to collect
  • Go on Short-Term Trips – we need NON-medical and medical people on our teams!
  • Financially support FAME to empower global partners to use 20 minutes to save lives! 

Thank you for your partnership, changing lives, even in 20 minutes!

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