2021 Night Of Hope


Night of Hope brings us together as we point to God’s blessings through the ministry of FAME, our partnerships around the world, and through YOU as we send help and hope.

Night of Hope to October 22. 2021.

Location- Venture Christian Church – Carmel, IN

The Reeves Family 1965

Proceeds from the event will  fund the Reeves Project Fund, in honor of the first Executive Director of FAME, Bob Reeves, and his wife Rosella.

The First $40,000 from the Event will be for a Clinic project with Ghana Christian Mission, Ghana!

Guest Speaker:  Enoch Nyador of Ghana Christian Mission!

Please continue to check our website for future updates.

Thank you for your partnership! We look forward to seeing you at our event October 2021!

Do You Have High Blood Pressure?

Babeni* was suffering and weak, but no one knew why.  Day after day his family thought he was just aging and under a curse.  He and his family gave up hope and thought all was lost because even the inadequately supplied clinic they had visited didn’t have the supplies needed to diagnose what was wrong.

Then Babeni’s daughter heard the new clinic received supplies and was ready to see patients.  The shipment of supplies had been sent by FAME and made possible by you and partners like you!

Babeni was able to visit the clinic, and the newly arrived blood pressure cuff was used to identify the cause of his weakness and decline.  Hypertension, or high blood pressure.  Even here in the USA hypertension is often called a “silent disease” because you usually don’t know that you have it.  But here in America our doctors have an abundance of supplies like Blood pressure cuffs!  CVS, Walgreens, Walmart, and many other stores have BP stations where you can check your own blood pressure!

Access to healthcare and even health information is limited and even non-existent to 400 million of the people of the world.  Men and women like Babeni are at risk of dying before they have a chance to even hear the gospel.

Babeni’s story ends well – a few lifestyle changes and a diuretic was able to be prescribed and his life is extended.  Your FAME partner can now tell him and his family all about Jesus- and he has time to respond to the good news!

Thank you for your partnership!  You make it possible for FAME to send help and hope every day to global partners who are saving lives for eternity!

Thank you!

Bill Warren
Executive Director

*Babeni’s name is changed, but his story is real and repeated time and time again!

Want to Go For a Run?

I’m running for something and I’d love to have you with me!  Here’s the story…

On Saturday, March 14th I returned from an extended trip to Asia visiting your FAME ministry partners.  While the places I visited had very low case numbers of the coronavirus, fear was growing.  By the time I arrived home, I had decided on a voluntary 14-day self-quarantine.  On Monday, March 16, the shutdown began and my 14 days at home became three months.

With my calendar clear and some extra time available, I decided to exercise.  I began walking three miles each day.  Eventually, I increased the distance and began some running.  As I write this, I have logged over 800 miles since March.

During the hours on my walks / runs, I wondered: “How can I help our FAME partners who are working in under-resourced parts of the world?”  The answer became INDY-THON.  Indy-thon is the combination of the Half Marathon at Fort Benjamin Harrison on October 3 and the Monumental Half Marathon on November 7.  My goal is to raise $1,000 per mile (that’s 26.2 miles) for the FAME Reeves Memorial Project Fund.

The Reeves fund will complete 11 Sustainable Healthcare Projects through FAME partners in India, Haiti, Mexico, Ghana, Spain, Ivory Coast and the Philippines.  It will purchase surgical equipment, a hospital generator, two ambulances and construction materials for a cardiac hospital and 6 primary care clinics.  For example, $26,200 could complete a primary care clinic in Mahabalipuram, India.

Every project of every partner will result in medical evangelism.  The gospel will be proclaimed as individuals are given otherwise unavailable healthcare in the name of Jesus!

Will you join me?  I am asking you to pledge a dollar amount for every mile I complete.  A $10.00 / mile pledge would be $262.00.  Or, you could sponsor a mile for $1,000 or a half mile for $500.  Really your gift of any amount will help.  Click HERE to join me!

Whatever you decide, thanks for joining me – and know that your gift will help meet desperate medical needs – but more importantly, meet them in Jesus’ name!  You will be changing lives now and into eternity.

Thanks & God Bless!

Bill Warren
Executive Director

Typhoon Season Hits the Philippines!

The typhoon season of the Philippines has started amidst a rampaging coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic. The first typhoon, Vongfong, with strong winds of 155 kph (96 mph) and torrential rains pounded the country while on strict lockdown.

It placed the health system of the Philippines into a test as a perfect storm developed—a strong typhoon during a devastating pandemic. In a country of 110 million people, Vongfong displaced populations and knocked out power, thus complicating the COVID-19 initiatives and adding additional burden to the emergency situation of the country. The Philippines is hit by an average of twenty tropical typhoons every year.

It may be recalled that the country is still reeling from the effects of super typhoon Haiyan on November 8 of 2013 that killed 6200 people, displacing 4 million and affecting 14 million from its destructive force.  And the Electric Co-op of Aparri in North Luzon is still often offline because of Typhoon Ompong in 2018.

Outdoor temporary triage at Charles W. Selby Memorial Hospital

A FAME partner Hospital, Charles W. Selby Memorial Hospital in Aparri, has at risk outdoor temporary Triage areas and treatment areas because of COVID-19.  Additionally, your partner in Aparri has an outdated, under-sized, and over-used generator. Many years ago, the hospital-acquired a small generator just for Emergencies.  Usually a temporary solution, this generator has now become a near-permanent provider of electricity for critical care patients with the ongoing and common Electricity Crisis in the Philippines. When the electricity is out only portions of the hospital are able to have power.

The following Departments are in crisis during these Outages:

  • Pediatric Respiratory
  • Dialysis
  • Heart Monitoring
  • COPD and Asthma

All of these patients are all at risk many times.

With your partnership FAME can provide a New Generator which will adequately power the full hospital if needed!

This FAME Partner Hospital is 100% Filipino-led and 99% self-funding for daily operations – an example of Sustainability!  Chaplains at this hospital boldly declare the gospel to EVERY patient who enters!

Can you partner with FAME with a gift to Sustainable Projects that will bring Power to the Philippines?  Power for Healthcare and Power from the Gospel!

CWSMH chaplain praying with flood victim, Nanay 

September Prayer Calendar

Dear Friends and Partners of FAME,

Do you remember the Earth, Wind & Fire song from 1978, “September”?

Ba de ya, say do you remember?
Ba de ya, dancing in September
Ba de ya, never was a cloudy day    
(are you humming it now?)

Do you remember last September? Do you remember what it was like to live in a world without an unrelenting pandemic, an increase in racial tensions, masks, getting together with family and friends, going to church, going to school, going to work, receiving medical care, volunteering, attending sporting events, going on a vacation, going on a mission trip, and no “social distancing”?

Last September, as well as other Septembers, seem like dreams compared to the world we live in now. So much has changed as we look at the current world we live in. What has not changed is the love of our God and He being with us through all of this.

The clinic foundation of a FAME partner in India

Recently, FAME Executive Director, Bill Warren said, Even though several FAME  short-term medical mission trips this year have been canceled and some of our Sustainable Healthcare Projects are “on hold” because of mandated lockdowns, God is still at work!  We have heard from so many of our partners with stories of their unique opportunities to reach out and help people in their communities during a pandemic. One partner in India is waiting for the pandemic to end so they can continue work on this desperately needed primary care clinic.  Today it is just a foundation but soon it will be a place where people will find help and hope – both physically and spiritually.  In the meantime, they are feeding people who are hungry, and I recently saw pictures of the baptisms of six people.”

There are great needs among our partners, and this month we invite you to partner with us in praying for many of them and the medical projects we have committed to funding for their missions.

Other items of prayer for this month include our FAME scholarship recipients who are studying to become medical professionals, FAME’s short-term mission trips that are currently scheduled for 2021, some upcoming conferences that will now be virtual instead of in person, volunteer groups, and some church visits where Jeff Coon, FAME Director of Development will be presenting FAME and how churches can partner with us in reaching the lost through medical evangelism.

Please know that we are grateful to you and your partnership. Your prayers are making a difference in lives around the world.

Many blessings to all of you!

Click here for the September Prayer Calendar

Unseen Frontline Workers:  Lab Pathologists!

Laboratories and lab workers are currently one of the most important medical needs of our times.

In 2017 many FAME partners helped to send funding to Narok County, Kenya in order to establish a state of the art laboratory that was ahead of the standards required in Kenya.  This lab upgrade was needed for critical testing from AIDS to every other medical unknown in the network known as CHP Kenya.  7 Clinics are served by this lab allowing medical providers to have test results in hours or just a few days, instead of weeks.

You won’t be surprised that we learned last week that the caseload at this lab has increased. Official COVID testing is being sent to a Kenya Medical research institute, but the whole region would have had no information without you and your generosity!

Additionally, you have helped provide pathologists because of FAME’s Impact Scholarship program.

Doctor of Microbiology, and FAME scholarship recipient, Genesis in Honduras

In the US there are 7 pathologists for every 100,000 people; in Sub-Saharan Africa that number is less than 1 for every 500,000!

Thank you for your impact on providing Access to the Good news around the world.   One obstacle you help eliminate is by providing access to healthcare information and technology!

Thank you for your part in this battle of bringing access to the Gospel through access to healthcare.

YOU are making a difference around the globe.

The lab under construction
AIDS testing in Kenya in the new lab after completion
The new lab in Kenya



Unsafe to Travel, but YOU Sent Surgical Kits

You have FAME global partners who go where most won’t go!  The Democratic Republic of the Congo is one of those places.  The State Department website has the following travel warnings.

Do Not Travel To:

  • The Democratic Republic of the Congo – COVID-19
  • North Kivu and Ituri provinces due to terrorism
  • The eastern DRC region and the three Kasai provinces (Kasai, Kasai-Oriental, Kasai-Central) due to crime, civil unrest, armed conflict and kidnapping
  • Équateur province due to Ebola.

But that hasn’t stopped one of your FAME partners from acquiring medical supplies and equipment to support 7 clinics in the DR of the Congo!  In July we received word how some mobility supplies were distributed:

We praise God for what our team of 3 church leaders did last Friday by giving in the village of Ngunda Kinzamba a free gift of mobility (PET cart, personal energy transport) to a leg disabled man to show him the love of God. On Saturday they gave another PET cart to a leg disabled lady in Mukedi village.

Last week, the team picked up a truckload of additional mobility supplies to distribute. Also, of interest to you might be that Barry Reed, our Director of Mission Resources, prepared 6 surgical kits for the team.  6 of the 7 Clinics have qualified staff capable of small surgeries.  I was most surprised to learn that the supplies received included hospital-grade mattresses.  Currently, those who have these small surgeries in a few of those clinics are on the ground. These mattresses will be such an upgrade for these patients!  Their recovery time is when many respond to the gospel!

Each and every day- YOUR partnership improves the doors that open for the gospel!

Thank you for your generosity, prayers, and compassion- you are impacting the world’s most sick who would never have the chance to hear the gospel without you!

PET (personal energy transportation) vehicles distributed 

I Eat Once a Day If I Can….

Unreported during this pandemic is the ongoing plight of the North African Refugees coming into Spain.  Spain received a lot of press early this year when the Virus numbers were spiraling out of control, but the North African Refugees are still unnoticed and under-served!

One of your FAME global partners, Dr. Erick and his wife Sira, are on the very frontlines caring for the world’s most impacted and neglected in Spain.

Before the pandemic, New Clinic plans were finalizing (The Hope Center Medical Clinic is one of FAME’s Sustainable Projects currently seeking full funding) and preparing to meet the medical needs of Refugees from North Africa!  The Church was growing and training new leaders!  Teaching Spanish to refugees and meeting the needs of these vulnerable from the crisis in North Africa.

Patients receiving treatment in Spain

 **Note:  In 2019 nearly 50,000 immigrants/refugees from North Africa came into Spain!

During the pandemic, Dr. Erick and the young churches there near Murcia, Spain focused on helping families by bringing food into their homes.  One woman is reported to have done all she could to find a way to eat once a day if she can.  Dr. Erick treats these refugees with the kindness and love of Christ every day.  Their situation is hopeless without the kindness of the churches connected with the future Hope Center Clinic!

Can you continue to pray for your FAME global partners like Dr. Erick and Sira’s family?  Being from Nicaragua, Dr. Erick has asked prayer for his family since his father passed away in July from COVID-19 in Nicaragua while Erick and Sira’s family was serving in Spain!  Your FAME global partners are heroes on the frontlines!

Your partnership makes a difference in the lives of your global partners and on the world’s most impacted whom they serve!

Dr. Erick, Sira, and family

1 in a Million….Literally!

Constructing new bathing and dressing facility for Mozambique staff to use after removing PPE before leaving the property

Thank you for caring about the world’s most impacted!  One of your FAME global partners is 1 in a Million…literally 1 in 1.2 million people; read below!

In the last months, you have resourced and supplied 133 shipments to your FAME global partners with the supplies they need to respond to the current global health crisis.

Responding to the Global health crisis is what you and FAME have done for years.  But as you know, this has been an unprecedented season.  One of your global partners to whom we have shipped supplies this Spring gave us this report and the end of June!

All of the patients in Nampula, (city of 1,200,000) Mozambique which need to be hospitalized are in our hospital, the only COVID treatment site other than the Capital city.  At this time none of them have needed the ventilator which FAME provided.  But we are just getting started.  In the next few months, we expect 240,000 to contract the virus in our city. On the first day, the virus appeared in three disparate parts of the city, all of them mud hut neighborhoods. Then it took off, as I had originally expected it to do in Africa. In the first 15 days, it was multiplying with a doubling time of fewer than 3 days. Because of the explosive spread taking place in Nampula, our country rose quickly to the 8th highest position among the nations of the world in terms of the rapidity of COVID spread.

At this point, you and FAME have been able to meet the needs presented to us from your global partners.  Here is part of the unknown which is to come –the majority of your global partners report that they have been overwhelmed with feeding the starving in their communities.  Providing food for the most impacted has become a health crisis for partners in Asia, Africa, Central, and South America.  Medical Providers have been some of the only people allowed on the roads to deliver food to remote churches.

From the reports we are receiving, these countries which have been under such serious lockdowns, the spread of the virus has been a secondary crisis.  Can you continue to pray and support FAME in order for us together to be most responsive to the needs as they come to us?

You are “one in a million” to us at FAME- may be an idiom…but your impact is not- every dollar you give to FAME touches at least one of the world’s most impacted by disease and hopelessness; like this Nampula hospital which is the only one among a million!

Food distribution in India
Mask distribution in India

Still On The Frontlines

Opening up.  Closing back down.  Re-opening again.  Here in America this global health crisis still has so many unknowns.  Wear a mask, don’t wear a mask.  Sanitize and go, or just stay home!  We are still figuring it all out!

In the countries where YOU have FAME global partners, there is less unknown.  It’s known very clearly that the medical systems are under-prepared.  In many regions, YOUR global partner hospitals, clinics, and mobile clinics ARE better prepared than some of the government facilities.  Why?  BECAUSE OF YOU AND YOUR FAITHFUL PARTNERSHIP!

But the need is still great- and your continued partnership is serving those still on the frontlines. 

In Central America, partners are preparing for clinics to take COVID-19 patients when Hospitals turn them away!

In S.E. Asia the economic impact of national shutdowns has caused millions to have a lack of food; which leads to multiple health complications your FAME partners are treating. 

In Sub-Saharan Africa, the spread of the Coronavirus has been mostly in urban areas…but FAME is hearing needs from partners in country after country. As requests for medical equipment and supplies increase in this region- You and FAME will send life-saving responses! 

This month, two 40’ shipping containers will be loaded and shipped.  Dozens of smaller shipments and loads of supplies will be leaving the country – YOU ARE still on the Frontlines! 

Thank you for your partnership- with it FAME and YOU are still keeping the Front lines prepared for this battle.  The GOOD NEWS is that in this battle, FAME, You, and our global partners are ‘ARMED WITH’ the GOOD NEWS that only Jesus brings.  

Thank you for your partnership!