229.1 an Hour

How can you share the gospel with 229.1 people in one hour?
Partner with FAME! 

How can they hear unless someone tells them? 
How can they go unless someone sends them? 

When you partner with FAME you are sending and some of you are going!  Each week around 5,500 people are treated in the name of Jesus and hear the gospel through partners of FAME!  That means that 229.1 people hear the gospel every hour a year! (Of course this is an average and some days/weeks have more than others – but the year long impact is accurate and YOU are making it possible!)

THIS WEEK we have teams headed to Honduras and Colombia – the gospel will be shared as they treat each patient in the love of Jesus.  But that is not the only type of impact!  Over the last decade new buildings, new ambulances, equipment, supplies, and teams have been in over 50 countries, and with over 100 global partners!  Over 2 Million people will hear the gospel and be treated in 2022- that means YOU HAVE SHARED THE GOSPEL WITH 229.1 PEOPLE PER HOUR!

As an Indy-based ministry, we hear a lot about the Indy 500 race in May, where drivers go nearly 229.1 Miles per Hour.  Impressive!  But so is your global impact at 229.1 people per hour!

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