Hardest Places

Growing in the hardest places.

Seeing this flower made me think of many of your FAME global partners…

K and J thought it was going to be another day like any other day.  Awaken with their children, have tea and a simple breakfast, tend to the animals, the garden, and then go to the village to sell some produce and handmade items in the market.   But they awakened to yelling and the smell of smoke.  Quickly they gathered their family and ran into the jungle and from behind the thick greenery they watched as their home and belongings were all destroyed by fire.  Not a forest fire accidentally sparked, but the work of their very own government forces.
L & A kept looking over their shoulder as they approached what they believed was the border.  Just across they could see welcoming faces and encouraging waves to keep walking.  They could hardly believe their eyes as they saw kind people with water, blankets, food, and clothing waiting for them – strangers they had never met, receiving them with open arms.  They were safe. 

S hoped the roadblocks in the streets were not active this early in the morning.  He kept quietly moving forward carrying his young sister hoping to get her to the pastor and his wife.  Miraculously the piles of rubbish and smoldering tires were there, but no protesters.  They made it to the church, and the loving wife of the pastor took one look at his sister and rushed her to the FAME partner Clinic.

Growing in the hardest places.
All three of these stories have three things in common:

1)     They live in some of the world’s hardest places 
2)     A vibrant church is growing
3)     A FAME partner has been the key evangelistic element to plant and grow the church
The love of Jesus, through God’s people, grows churches in hard places.  Whether it is Pakistan, war-torn countries like Ukraine and Myanmar, or struggling countries like South Sudan and Haiti.  YOU are helping the gospel TAKE ROOT in hard places.
If you’d like to learn more about our current projects in the world’s hardest places click HERE!

Thank you for your partnership!! 


Bill Warren
Executive Director


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