Heroes Like You

It has been so encouraging to see the outpouring of support for so many of the previously unsung heroes of the world.  My son is a Paramedic and daily confronts this pandemic crisis in Indianapolis.  Jeff, my co-worker, has a daughter-in-law that is an ICU Nurse, seeing the reality of this crisis first-hand every shift. Both are Heroes during this crisis!

Dr. Darwin holding supplies sent because of you

Globally we are seeing your FAME partner doctors, not only treating patients but doing so much for their communities, even delivering food!  In Honduras, the lockdown is so significant that only a Doctor can get past the road-blocks.  So a FAME Impact Scholarship Recipient Doctor is delivering food to mountain villages in the 4×4 Ambulance (which you helped provide) before he begins his day at the clinic!  A Hero during this crisis!

But according to Paul, “How can they believe without hearing about Jesus?  How can they hear about Jesus without a person speaking to them?  And how can they speak about Jesus without being sent?”  That’s YOU, the one who sent!

You are a Hero during this Global Crisis, and many of you for years before now, and years to come!  I wish I could deliver an “A Hero Lives Here” sign to you because of your partnership with FAME!

The Heroes on the front-line of Medical Evangelism are able to do what they do, because of HEROES LIKE YOU!

Thank you for your partnership!


Bill Warren
Executive Director

A roadblock set up in Honduras. Only doctors allowed through.
Food being provided in a 4×4 Ambulance

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