July 2020 Prayer Calendar

Dear Friends and Partners of FAME,

As we begin another month full of uncertainty and change, let me first tell you what will not change, our gratitude for you and your support through prayer. This has been a season of struggle for almost all around the world. Whether it be through sickness, hunger, finances, loneliness, or just unrest, we have all been touched by this pandemic in some way. Your prayers have made a difference in lives around the world.

And though we may not see the constant news reports as we did a few months back, the virus is still prevalent among us and is now reaching developing countries around the world in force. Charles Franzén, of World Relief recently stated, “The health care systems in these countries are completely unprepared and incapable of mounting a reasonable clinical response of anything comparable to the U.S. response,” said , “There will continue to be significant health challenges especially around the capacity of health clinics, and we anticipate an acute challenge around food security and food supplies as well.

Mission partner, E.K. Durairaj in India said, “In the meantime, it’s mostly the people who depend on daily wage jobs, agriculture and labor’s for livelihood are the most affected economically. They struggle to make ends meet. The poor, old aged and children are struggling for their daily bread.” And that is not the only mission partner who we have heard state that hunger has become an issue. Many people in developing countries live day to day, depending on that day’s wages for that day’s food. As countries have “locked down”, thousands of people have not been able to work, leaving many to go without food for days on end.

This month, we ask that you continue to partner with us, as we pray for so many of our mission partners around the world, who for some are now just starting to see Covid at their front door. In Honduras, the situation has become critical. Felipe Colby of His Eyes just recently stated, The clinic is supposed to be closed in 13 minutes, this is currently the parking lot (it’s full). Pray for us…things are getting worse, and at an alarming rate. More will be going hungry with the further tightening of restrictions, and more are getting sick clearly (from COVID-19 and from a lot of other things) and there are fewer safe options for medical help. We need more money to distribute more food, and we are going to need to invest more in the clinic just to try to keep up with the need, and to do our best to keep our staff safe as best we can while meeting this ongoing challenge.

Because of so many of FAME’s faithful supporters, FAME will be sending a container of medical supplies to help meet those needs in Honduras later this month. We are also sending a container of medical supplies to Haiti. Now more than ever, these supplies that will be sent will SAVE LIVES. And for those that will be treated, they will be treated in the name of Jesus.

So again, THANK YOU for your prayers. Many of our mission partners around the world are going through struggles that they have never seen. Please pray for strength and guidance as they go through this season and pray that the people that will be treated by our mission partners will see the love of Jesus in the care they are provided.

Blessings in the coming month.

Click here for the July Prayer Calendar

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