Lost Everything, but God Rescued

It was a quiet Saturday morning in the Haitian Village of les Cayes.  Sabrina and her family were getting up and making plans for breakfast.  Sabrina is a 22-year-old girl who had dreams of attending a Haitian University to be a nurse.  She had been recommended to FAME for a Scholarship by a Haitian FAME Partner but had not yet heard if her application had been received or if she had been chosen to be a FAME Scholarship Recipient. 

FAME Scholarships provide nationals the resources for the in-country schooling needed to become medical professionals and then serve their sponsoring ministry in that nation!

As Sabrina and her family were sitting down to eat, the ground began to shake. They ran to safety as they watched their home crumble in the August 14th 7.2 Earthquake.  They lost everything!  It seemed her chance to go to school to be a nurse was also lost. 

But that’s not how God works.  Unaware of Sabrina’s earthquake status, this week, FAME approved her application and notified her sponsoring ministry!  We just received the message back that told us of her tragedy- but the amazing response that she will be able to start her education and become a Medical Evangelism, Medical Professional!  

Amazing!  Global Health Situations are not predictable, but our FAME Monthly Partners are!  Your faithful partnership allows FAME to empower nationals to become medical professionals and change communities one person at a time! 

Thank you for your partnership!

 P.S.  A Shipping Container of Supplies for a FAME Partner Hospital overwhelmed by the Earthquake and Tropical Storm, is on the Ocean right now on its way to Haiti!  Please Pray for FAME’s many Medical Evangelism Partners in Haiti!

*Sabrina’s name is changed for her privacy

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