May Prayer Calendar

Dear Friends and Partners of FAME,

Thank you for your unswerving partnership with the ministry of FAME through prayer. People all around the world are being blessed and strengthened because of you.

In Exodus 17, we see something amazing happen in the life of Moses and the Israelites. As the Israelites are wandering in the desert, they meet opposition from the Amalekites and soon Moses sends Joshua to lead troops into battle.  Moses, along with Aaron and Hur, watched the battle from a hill nearby and as Exodus 17:11 reads, “As long as Moses held up his hands, the Israelites were winning, but whenever he lowered his hands, the Amalekites were winning.” The statement, “held up his hands” refers to a position of prayer, and when Moses prayed, the Israelites were winning, but whenever he stopped praying, the Israelites were losing. This verse shows the importance of prayer, because the victory of the battle was dependent on Moses praying. And when Moses became weary, in order to assure victory over their foe, Aaron and Hur were there to support Moses until the victory was won.

Nurses at Mashoko Christian Hospital practicing social distancing while in devotions

Around the world, and especially those on the “front lines”, many are most likely getting weary. And now more possibly than ever they need your help and your prayers to defeat this persistent foe by helping them “hold up their hands”. For the month of May, the focus of the prayer calendar will be those partners and organizations that FAME has helped in some way in the last few months by either sending medical supplies or sending funding to purchase supplies in order to defeat this unseen, but present enemy. And as you may be surprised to see, many of the organizations listed are in the United States. Though not the “norm” for us to do, we have found it a blessing to come alongside those in the US as well, as we unite to help those in need,


We also would like to request prayer for the FAME board members who give of their time and talents to lead the ministry. We ask for your prayers that the FAME Board be given wisdom and discernment during this unprecedented time.

The Amalekites were unexpected and seemed as persistent as the COVID-19 virus that is among us, however, through prayer and the support of others, the enemy was defeated. May our partners be strengthened, and may this current enemy be defeated around the world through the help of your prayers.

Many blessings to you and thank you once again for coming alongside us as we pray for our brothers and sisters around the world.

Click here for the May Prayer Calendar

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