Nursing School With No Equipment?

How confident would you be of receiving care from nurses whose training did not include having any nursing equipment or supplies?

Without your partnership and FAME, there are nursing schools that would be in that exact situation. One such partner, in a central African nation, has two hospitals and a nursing school. But recently, they were unable to acquire needed medical equipment and supplies. FAME was able to send a shipment that included blood pressure cuffs and stethoscopes for the nursing students. Shockingly, these were something that they could not get because of cost, shipping, and supply chain issues.

This ministry is touching the lives of thousands of people through the hospital, but without a new flow of trained medical professionals, the needs of the community will never be met. This nursing school is a critical piece of the evangelism network of this hospital ministry.

Julie, a young girl, was having difficulty breathing and no one in her family knew why. She was able to go to the emergency room at one of these hospitals and the nursing staff there was able to identify what was wrong because they were well-trained and well-equipped. This could’ve been an emergency without a positive outcome if it hadn’t been for your generosity!

You allow FAME to say “Yes!”, to global partner’s requests for help.

Every time FAME is able to say, “Yes!, more people say “Yes” to Jesus and the hope that He brings.

Thank you for your partnership. 

Bill Warren
Executive Director

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