Open up, Shut Down, Open up, Shut Down, Repeat….

We in the USA are not alone in the roller coaster year of the pandemic impact.  I’d like to give you an update on one of our global partners.

Because of generous partners like you, there are 5 Clinics in a mountainous region of Mexico just south of Saltillo.  In 2016 many of you met Esly and Sandy Fuentes from Mexico and Bolivia respectively, who met in Medical school in Cuba!  You may have met them at the Night of Hope Banquet raising funds for their Hospital which is currently under construction.

Esly and Sandy Fuentes outside 1 of 5 medical clinics
Esly and Sandy outside 1 of their mission’s pharmacies.

In this mountain region, the church in La Biznaga has supported them as they not only have the clinic attached to the church, but they have added clinics and pharmacies in 4 other villages as well.  These villages are the type where everyone knows one another, the deaths impact all, and births cause all to rejoice.  These people are hard-working farmers, and you may even buy the 3-pack of peppers which are grown and packaged by many of them!  At each of these clinics, the church has begun Bible Studies and evangelistic medical outreaches!

Esly reports, “The first wave of COVID did not affect the rural areas very much.  But now the second wave is hitting us hard, because everything opened up and now people are out and began to visit our rural communities and the virus has moved into our villages.”

Esly shared that this week they lost 5 dearly loved elderly folks, and last week they lost 8 due to COVID.  They are sending many to the hospital, but they hope to see a downward trend soon!  Esly continues, “We are the only clinic and pharmacy that meets all the health codes set by our local and state government.  We have been setting an example of how to be a blessing to all those around us.”

Can I say “Amen!” on our behalf?

Isn’t that exactly what you and I hope to hear from those around the world with whom we partner?  “…setting an example of how to be a blessing…”.

I am thankful to be in partnership with Doctors like Esly and Sandy, aren’t you?

I am also thankful to be in partnership with people like you- who make partnership possible!

Bill Warren
Executive Director

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