“Our Greatest Moment of Loss, FAME Turned Into…”

“… an opportunity to touch the lives of others.” 

We receive messages and notes like this all the time.  Recently, my co-worker Jeff spoke to someone who had given, what I  would call, a significant financial gift to FAME.  They said, “We just lost our dear father and could think of no better way or organization to honor his legacy than FAME.”   

FAME and YOU together are BRINGING LIFE AND HOPE to others through access to healthcare that brings access to the gospel.  FAME is honored to be considered by so many as a way to take a loss, and grief and turn it into hope! 

Sometimes it is in a financial gift you can honor a loved one.  Other times it can be through donating the medical supplies and equipment used in the ending days of a loved one’s life.  The opening quote is from such a story.  A family had cared for a loved one for many months in their home.  A hospital bed and all the supplies that accompany that type of Home Healthcare were then filling their home after their loved one passed away.  They had no idea what to do with all of these healthcare items, which were sad reminders of the preceding days.  Then they heard of FAME.  After contacting our team in Indianapolis and learning that every piece of equipment could be used to touch the lives of hundreds or thousands of people in clinics and hospitals around the world, they were thrilled!  That is when they said, “Our greatest moment of loss, FAME turned into an opportunity to touch the lives of others”. The son said, “Wait until my sisters hear that this equipment is going to Africa and helping some of the world’s most vulnerable!  They won’t believe it!  It actually helps ease the loss.” 

Mobility supplies received in Honduras

Our global partners respond on the other side of the situation.  One partner just posted on social media, “Yet again thanks to FAME we are able to help with new walking equipment for several folks here in Lepaterique!”  Every one of those items was a donation received at the FAME Indianapolis warehouse! 

FAME resource personnel received a box last week in the mail filled with several baggies of various medical supplies left after a lady had passed away. Inside the box was a piece of paper with a photo of her, and a message that said, Donated in loving memory of (name) who was welcomed home into her Savior’s arms on May 3rd, 2022.

What a great memorial, that someone’s life, difficult days, and even their death can remind us of the hope that we have in Jesus.  It was He that said, “I am the resurrection and the life, whoever believes in Me will live even if they die.”  I know that Jesus meant, we can live eternally with Him – but many people’s legacies live on because of the generosity of people like you!

This Memorial Day weekend, we at FAME pray that as you remember those who have impacted your life, touched your life, and given you hope- that you will be most impacted by your memory of how Jesus gave his life to “…go through all the towns and villages, teaching in their synagogues, proclaiming the good news of the kingdom and healing every disease and sickness.” 

Crutches received in DR Congo

And that you, partnering with FAME continue the same work that Jesus began! 

Bill Warren, 
FAME Executive Director


**Honor a loved one this Memorial Day with a memorial gift. Your memorial gift will be a lasting tribute to your loved one and make an eternal impact in the lives of the world’s most vulnerable.


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